Alumni Art Gallery
In conjunction with Brandeis’ 75th anniversary, the Brandeis Alumni Art Gallery opened in 2023 at the recently refurbished Wien Faculty Center. Sponsored by the Brandeis Alumni Association, the exhibition features a different group of alumni artists every six months.
To be considered for future exhibitions, Brandeis alumni artists should fill out the expression of interest form.
Alison Beker Judd ’04 and Andrea Molod Soloway ’89 install the first Alumni Art Gallery exhibit of Judd’s work.
President Ron Liebowitz speaks at the opening of the Alumni Art Gallery's first exhibit: "Alison Judd | be-tween>"
Joel Janowitz ’67, Alison Beker Judd ’04 and Jenna Weiss ’07 at the opening reception for Connect40.
Joel Janowitz ’67 discussing his artwork with alumni at the Connect40 opening reception.
Andrea Molod Soloway ’89 helps with the installation.
Work by artists Vincente Cayuela ’22 and Rachel Siporin ’75
Names of alumni artists representing seven decades of Brandeis.
Work by artist Orli Swergold ’18.
Artist Deborah Klotz ’84.
The current exhibit, entitled Classmates, features the work of Bonnie Ashmore ’93 and Pedro Barbeito ’92. The exhibit can be viewed Monday through Friday 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. when campus is open through May 2025.
Past Exhibitions
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April 2024-August 2024

October 2023-March 2024
- Diana Kurz ’57, painting
- Fran Forman ’67, photo-painting
- Rachel Siporin ’75, painting, printmaking
- Deborah Klotz ’84, sculpture, alternative printmaking
- Rachael Grad ’99, drawing, painting
- Ryan Pressman ’06, painting
- Orli Swergold ’18, sculpture
- Vicente Cayuela ’22, photography

April 2023-September 2023