Brandeis Alumni, Family and Friends
Brandeis Legacy Families

Brandeis Legacy Families are made up of alumni whose children or grandchildren are current students. To celebrate these families, and the tradition they've made of attending Brandeis, we host a special Legacy Brunch every year. Held during Family Weekend, the event brings alumni, their children, and grandchildren together to bond over their Brandeis experiences and the lasting impact the university has had on their lives. We’re proud to recognize hundreds of families who share generational ties to their alma mater.
Whenever you attend a Brandeis event, on or off campus, in person or online, we encourage you to take a family picture. If your family includes more than one generation of Brandeis alumni, consider coming together. We’d love to see multiple generations of Brandeisians at events. Send us a picture, or let us know so we can take your picture!