Brandeis Alumni, Family and Friends

Corporate and Foundation Relations

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) raises funds from and builds partnerships with private organizations (foundations, corporations, public charities and other organizations) to advance Brandeis’ research, education and social-improvement missions.

  • Female faculty member, sitting at table with students, speaking to them.
    Faculty member Jill Greenlee and students engage in discussion in Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. 
  • Two students working in Brandeis lab in 2019.
    Two students working in Brandeis lab. 
  • Adrianna Shy '23 smiling through shelving Professor Bing Xu's lab in 2019
    Adrianna Shy '23 smiling through shelving Professor Bing Xu's lab. 
  • Professor Harleen Singh speaks to a small group of students
    Professor Harleen Singh speaks with students during a WGS course. 

Building Connections 

We keep current and potential corporate and foundation partners connected with university leadership and informed about Brandeis and our distinctive history, priorities and strengths. We also coordinate relationships with key campus partners including the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, the International Business School, the Rabb School of Professional Studies and independent centers and institutes, as well as Research Administration, Technology Transfer and the Hiatt Career Center.

Proposal and Project Support

We promote faculty grant-seeking from foundations and corporations, working closely with the vice provost for research and the Office of Research Administration by:
  • identifying potential foundation and corporate support for projects
  • strategizing approaches to funders
  • developing proposals to foundations and corporations and
  • monitoring/circulating foundation requests for proposals (RFPs), including key limited-submission RFPs.

Explore our site for useful resources and updates. We also invite you to call or email us for more information.