Brandeis Alumni, Family and Friends

Class Correspondents1964 Class Flag

Class correspondents play an important role in keeping classmates engaged with each other and the University. They solicit and compile Class Notes submissions from their fellow alumni for publication online and in the Brandeis Magazine.

Read Class Notes online.

Shelly A. Wolf

Class Agents

Class Agents play a critical role as special ambassadors for Brandeis. They help strengthen the alumni community through leadership and engagement, and by helping to foster the positive partnership between their class and the University. For more information click here or email

Alumni Weekend Volunteers

Volunteers help spread the word about Alumni Weekend by promoting the program to their network of friends. For a complete list of 55th Reunion Committee Members, click here. For more information, email

Alumni Weekend Class Programs

The Class of 1964 celebrated their 55th Reunion during Alumni Weekend 2019, Friday, May 31-Sunday, June 2! 
Click here to view the Alumni Weekend 2019 online photo album!

Save the date for your 60th Reunion during Alumni Weekend 2024, Friday, June 7-Sunday, June 9!

Class Materials

Find a copy of the Class of 1964 50th Reunion Yearbook here!

Check out the Class of 1964 Facebook group!


Brandeis relies on the support of alumni, parents and friends to educate the best students, maintain a world-class faculty, provide state-of-the-art classroom and laboratory facilities, and offer dynamic extracurricular programming.

The University's top priorities are the Brandeis Fund and Scholarships. The Class of 1964 also has several special funds that honor the memory of deceased classmates, including the Rishon M. Bialer ’64 Endowed Scholarship, Myra Kraft ’64 Transitional Year Program, and Eli J. Segal ’64 & Phyllis N. Segal ’66 Citizen Leadership Program Fund.

To make a gift, click here.

Update Your Information
Not receiving information about your class? Call 781-736-4071 or email to update your contact information.