Brandeis Alumni, Family and Friends

Congratulations, Brandeis Graduates!
Commencement 2024

Campus was bursting with spring color and jubilant celebration as Brandeis held its 73rd Commencement exercises for more than 1,400 undergraduate and graduate students on May 19.

A Full Day of Celebrations

A ceremony for undergraduates was held in the morning and graduate students were celebrated in the afternoon. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns keynoted the ceremony for undergraduates, while graduate degree recipients heard from higher education pioneer Ruth Simmons.

Graduates in caps and gowns stand in line as they wait to be seated at the Commencement ceremony
Lifelong learning and perpetual improvement: Brandeis celebrates the Class of 2024

Campus was alive with jubilant celebration as Brandeis held its 73rd Commencement Exercises for more than 1,400 undergraduate and graduate students on May 19.

“Do good things, help others. Leadership is humility and generosity squared. Remember the opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty. The kinship of the soul begins with your own at times withering self-examination.”

Ken Burns, H’24, Undergraduate Commencement Speaker

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A person wearing silver sparkly glasses that read "Grad"

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