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Upbeat music plays.
A clip of a man talking to the camera. Over his face is a dark blue graphic that is opaque with text that reads “Dan Kazzaz ‘74, GSAS MA’74”.
A blue graphic animates on screen. Text on screen reads “What was your Brandeis experience like?”
man talking to the camera. There is a graphic surrounding him that has yellow, pink and blue circles with various designs.
Dan Kazzaz:
"For many of us, right, it's our first time away from home, and first time being with a bunch of peers that are smart. And humbling, right? You quickly learn that you're not the smartest kid on the block."
A blue graphic animates on screen. Text on screen reads “Why should people support Brandeis?”
man talking to the camera. There is a graphic surrounding him that has yellow, pink and blue circles with various designs.
Dan Kazzaz:
"Everybody needs a safe place to study, and needs a safe place to grow, a safe place to learn. And the generations before us established a safe country for me to be born in, and a safe university for me to explore and grow, make new friends, Etc. Stuff that happens at universities. Um, and it's not so safe in other places. So you know, let's help make Brandeis safe for generations to come."
A blue graphic animates on screen. Text on screen reads “What are your hopes for Brandeis’ future?”
man talking to the camera. There is a graphic surrounding him that has yellow, pink and blue circles with various designs.
Dan Kazzaz:
"I'm hoping that we can work together, so Brandeis can really afford to do all the things that really need to get done. And there's a ton which needs to get done. I want my my fellow classmates to come, to go to your reunions, to go to your alumni events, participate, get to know people, get involved. There's a lot to do to make the world a better place and it can only happen with your help."
A blue screen animates in. A logo appears that reads “Brandeis GIVING DEISDAY”. That logo fades out to reveal a logo that reads “Celebrating Brandeis at 75”.