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A blue poster on a glass wall says “Welcome to the ICC!” is on screen.
Shot pans up on posters of people on a brick wall.
Two students laughing in slow motion doing work at a table.
Two students at a desk behind a sign that comes into focus that says “Welcome to the ICC. Swipe in Here.”
Student facing to the right speaking on camera in front of a purple tinted wall. A graphic comes up that says “Rubaiya Nasim ‘23 (She/Her)”
Blue screen with text that reads “Tuesdays at Brandeis”. The blue background is opaque enough to show a shot behind it: a shot that pans across a number of different countries' flags. Blue screen and text fade out.
Student facing to the left is speaking standing in front of a colorful wall. Graphic appears on screen that says “PWI - Predominantly White Institution.”
Student walking in slow motion down steps toward a Black Lives Matter and Pride flag.
A student sitting at a table laughing and talking to friend. Graphics on screen defining acronyms say “ SASA - South Asian Student Association” “FOCA - Femme of Color Alliance” “MOCA - Men of Color Alliance”
Student facing left in front of colorful wall speaking.
Close up of same student as before speaking off to the left with graphic that says “Diane Arevalo ‘24 (She/Her)”.
Close up of student facing to the right in front of purple tinted wall speaking.
Student in wide shot speaking.
Students laughing at a desk in front of a sign that says “Intercultural Center” in slow motion.
Group of students at a table speaking together.
Student speaking in front of colorful wall.
Two students laughing in slow motion in front of sign that says “Intercultural Center”, one behind a desk and the other in front.
Student flipping page in notebook in slow motion, looking at iPad.
Student walking down stairs in front of colorful wall.
Student speaking looking off to the right in front of purple tinted wall.
Group of students sitting at table in front of different flags.
Sign with pink and white flower on it that says “Welcome”
Student speaking in front of colorful wall.
Close up of student’s hand writing in notebook.
Student writing in notebook at a desk with iPad in front of her.
Student and friend at a table talking in slow motion.
Student speaking looking off to the right in front of purple tinted wall.
Two students talking at a table in front of flags.
Student sitting behind a desk at a computer looking off to the right speaking.
Student speaking looking off to the right in front of purple tinted wall.
Shot of a cutout of a students face smiling wearing a white hat and glasses with a sign above it that says “Rubaiya”
Slow motion shot of artwork on a yellow wall and brick wall.
Student speaking looking off to the right in front of purple tinted wall.
Sign that comes into focus that says “Intercultural Center” on white brick wall
A shot that pans down a colorful wall with art on it.
Two students walk in from each direction and sit next to each other on the couch facing toward each other and begin talking. Person on the right speaks first, the person on the left speaks after.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the left is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking. A graphic fades in that says “MLK - Martin Luther King Jr. Fellowship” Another graphic fades in saying “BLSO - Brandeis Latinx Students Organization”
Two students on couch. Student on the left is speaking.
Close up of student on the left speaking. Graphic fades in that says “E-board - executive board of a student organization”
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the right is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the right is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the left is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the right is speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the left is speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the left is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Two students on couch. Student on the right is speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking.
Close up of a student on the left speaking.
Close up of a student on the right speaking. Graphic fades in saying “PAD - Period Activists at DEIS”
Shot of poster on a desk that says “Intercultural Center. New hours of operation!”. Shot pans up to student behind a desk at computer looking to the right.
Shot of black and orange poster with dancers on it that says “Culture Arise”.
Shot of student in slow motion smiling at friend.
Student speaking looking off to the right in front of purple tinted wall.
Close up of same student in front of purple tinted wall speaking.
Student walking down stair case surrounded by glass wall in slow motion.
Student holding large playing cards smiling in front of yellow wall.
Student opening door and walking into building in slow motion.
Student speaking in front of colorful wall.
Student looking off to the right speaking in slow motion.
Close up of student speaking in front of colorful wall.
Graphic fades onto screen that says “Celebrate Your Morrie with a Gift to Brandeis: giving.brandeis.edu/tuesdays”