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An owl mascot and a judge mascot stand on opposite sides of a foosball table playing foosball in front of a colorful wall. The owl mascot picks up a phone sitting on the edge of the foosball table.
The owl mascot standing in front of a colorful wall looks at a cell phone. Over the owl’s shoulder on the right side of the screen is a calendar reminder graphic that reads “Wed 11 CALENDAR, Giving DEISday, Plan an epic 75th birthday party!” The owl puts it’s hand on it’s head.
The owl mascot holds the phone up for the judge mascot to see. The judge puts it’s hands on it’s head and shakes their head.
The owl mascot and judge mascot standing on opposite sides of a foosball table run out of frame in opposite directions.
The owl mascot runs across screen from left to right in front of 3 rows of tall lamps outside in front of a building.
A group of students are working out in a gym. One is jumping onto some mats in the foreground, another is throwing a big medicine ball at the wall, and the student in the background is lunging with a bar.
A group of students are working out in the gym. In the foreground, two students are benching, and in the background one student is throwing a medicine ball at a wall.
A bar is coming close to the screen, as if the POV is from the student bench pressing. The owl mascot slowly peeks their head in at the top of the frame holding an invitation. The camera angle flips and zooms in to show that the invitation reads “You’re Invited, All Brandeisians, October 11th, all day!”
A student on a bench grabs the invitation from the owl mascot, who is still standing over her. She sits up and looks at the invitation.
The shot starts on a statue of a man, and pans to the judge mascot running on a sidewalk next to the hill with the statue.
Close up shot on the judge mascot’s feet running through the frame.
A group of students are standing in a science lab. In the background, the judge mascot walks into the lab holding a big yellow balloon. The students stop working and look at the mascot. The mascot hands the balloon to the student, and starts walking forward handing out invitations.
Close up of the judge mascot’s hand hanging an invitation to a student's hand.
A group of students are standing in a science lab while a judge mascot makes it’s way through them. The mascot high fives a student in the foreground and raises it’s hands in victory.
The owl mascot comes into frame and runs from left to right in a campus center atrium.
A teacher is standing in front of a class full of students in their desks. The camera pans to show the students.
An owl mascot raises it’s hand while only the top of it’s hand and head are visible.
The teacher points into the class.
The owl mascot, sitting in a desk, raises up a sign that reads “GIVING DEISDAY IS COMING!”
The camera pans down on a shot of a castle-looking building. The judge mascot and owl mascot run down the sidewalk next to the building and move towards the camera.
Close up on a door with a sign that says “Brandeis Emergency Medical Corps”
Close up on someone’s hands giving CPR to a CPR test dummy.
Two students kneel by a test dummy on the floor, one is giving the test dummy CPR. The judge and owl mascots walk into the room holding party hats. The student stops giving CPR as the judge mascot hands her a party hat.
The owl mascot hands a party hat to the other student.
The judge mascot lifts the CPR dummy and places a party hat on it’s head. The student kneeling behind the test dummy holds the party hat on top of the dummy’s head and shrugs.
The judge mascot is running outside in front of a building.
Two students are stretching while standing on an indoor track. The camera pans up starting at their feet and making it’s way up to their faces.
Two students stand on the indoor track and finish stretching. The judge mascot runs in to stand next to them. The students take their mark to begin running. The judge mascot pops a confetti cannon as the students take off running out of frame.
The owl mascot’s hands place two cups onto a wooden table with a balloon weight on it. The cups read “GIVING DEISDAY”
The judge mascot’s hands place a cupcake onto a tower of cupcakes. The top cupcakes have 2 number candles in them, a 7 and a 5.
The owl mascot’s hand drops a stack of party poppers onto a table.
The judge mascot places a pink balloon down amongst other balloons.
The camera pans to show a table with party hats, party poppers, a tower of cupcakes and cupcakes sitting on the table.
The owl mascot hangs up a sign on the wall that reads “Celebrating Brandeis at 75”. The owl backs away from the sign after it’s stuck up. The screen dips to black.
The screen fades up from black to reveal the judge mascot and the owl mascot holding a sign that reads “YOU’RE INVITED TO GIVING DEISDAY” while standing in front of a table with party decorations. The mascots dance as they hold the sign.
The screen fades to blue with text that reads “You’re invited to a Giving DEISday 75 years in the making!” That text fades and new text fades in that reads “RSVP and spread the word: givingdeisday.brandeis.edu”.