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Transcript of "Senior Class Gift"

Sasha: My name is Sasha, I am obviously a senior majoring in Economics and Philosophy.

Rachel: My name is Rachel McAllister. I am a Film major and Economics minor.

Text Slide: Time flies.

Rachel: It doesn't feel all that long ago that we first stepped foot on campus, that we declared our majors, and we attended our first Spring Fest or Festival of the Arts.

Sasha: We've also shown our resilience in studying during this global pandemic, which unfortunately has affected us as well as the previous class.

Text Slide: It's not the ending we wanted.

Test Slide: But we'll make the most of it, together.

Rachel: Instead of focusing on what's been taken away, we'd like to focus on giving back.

Sasha: The Senior Class Gift is a way for you to donate to anything on Brandeis campus that matters to you.

Rachel: We're shooting for 48% participation from our class. So, whether you rep our class by giving 20 dollars and 21 cents, or any other amount every gift counts and helps us reach our goal.

Sasha: All of our gifts will go towards helping fellow students that are currently in need. Be it your favorite club, your favorite department, you could even honor your professor.

Text Slide: Learn more: giving.brandeis.edu/myseniorgift